Notaries Public

Enthusiasm, energy and excellent education are just some of wonderful attributes that Chelsea brings to the table in her well-established business. A graduate of Simon Fraser University with a Master of Art’s Degree in Applied Legal Studies, Chelsea was awarded the Simon Fraser University Award for achieving the highest marks in the Master of Arts in Applied Legal Studies Program as well as being awarded The Notary Group Award for the highest marks on the Wills & Trusts Examination.
Prior to becoming a Notary Public, Chelsea was a realtor with Defeo & Associates of Re/Max Vernon for 6 years. Chelsea’s experience in the real estate industry has been a great asset to her career as a Notary Public as she deals with the documentation of contracts, sales, purchases and mortgages.
Chelsea has called Vernon her home for the past 30 years.

A Notary Public since 1983, Phyllis brings a great deal of experience to Chelsea Kramer Notary Corporation. She has worked in some aspect of the legal field all of her adult life. “I love my work!” is her enthusiastic response when asked about retirement, which is not on her horizon.
Phyllis deals with all aspects of the purchasing and selling of land, residential properties and manufactured homes.
Planning for temporary or permanent life changes all the way thought to end of life decisions require specific legal documents such as Enduring Powers of Attorney, Representation Agreements and Wills. Clients appreciate vision gained from experience that Phyllis shares to assist each person make plans that are right for the client and their unique family situation.
Phyllis makes her home in Armstrong with her husband, John.

BC Notaries
A Trusted Tradition
The tradition of Notaries goes back over 2000 years – to the dawn of recorded history. Notaries laid down the Codex Hammurabi, the oldest evidence of recorded law. Notaries were also employed by the Catholic Church to guide the light of civilization through the Dark Ages. The Notary’s reputation for trustworthiness meant that documents retained a stable reliability throughout centuries of upheaval.
BC Notaries are governed by the Notaries Act of BC and the discipline of their professional society, the Society of Notaries Public of British Columbia. Today, the position of Notary as a member of one of the branches of the legal profession is sanctioned and safeguarded by law. The Notaries Act also limits, by law, the number of practising Notaries to 323; it sets out the services that Notaries can provide.
- The professional work of a Notary is covered by an insurance plan which protects the public.
- The average age of a BC Notary is 43; 55 percent are women.
- BC’s Notaries reflect many ethnic backgrounds and languages.
Notaries in BC put a high priority on service to their local communities. Over one-third are involved in fundraising and social service, over one-third in business associations, and more than 30 percent are active in youth sports and recreation.